Are Veneers Covered By Dental Insurance?

Are Veneers Covered By Dental Insurance?


Veneers are versatile, long-lasting, and stain-resistant. Many patients opt for veneers because they can address multiple aesthetic issues at once.

Since veneers are cosmetic in nature, insurance plans generally do not cover them.

Why Invest in Veneers?

Even though dental insurance typically does not cover veneers, these dental appliances can improve your quality of life.

When you feel uncertain about your smile, you are less likely to share it, giving others a mistaken impression about your character. If you do not feel confident enough to smile, you may miss out on certain personal and professional opportunities.

You will feel happier and more optimistic when you feel great about your smile. You will no longer feel the need to hide your smile or laugh.

Issues Veneers Can Correct

  • Gapped teeth
  • Stained teeth
  • Chipped teeth
  • Misaligned teeth
  • Uneven teeth

How Veneers Work

A dental veneer consists of a thin sheet of tooth-colored material that wraps around the forward-facing surfaces of each tooth. Cosmetic dentists ensure that your veneers improve on your natural smile.

Step 1: Consultation

Your dentist will explain the process and ask about your aesthetic goals. They will explain the different veneer types and help you make a selection.

Step 2: Preparation

First, the dentist takes digital impressions to map the shape and contour of your natural teeth. 

The dentist then removes a wafer-thin layer of tooth enamel to give the veneers a solid base. The dentist takes a second set of digital impressions.

Your dentist will affix temporary veneers to protect your prepared teeth while the laboratory manufactures the final versions.

Step 3: Installation

When your veneers arrive, your dentist will check them for a perfect fit and adjust. The dentist then uses strong cement to attach the veneers to the prepared teeth, hardening them with a specialized light.

Choices for Dental Veneers

Porcelain Veneers

Porcelain is the most durable and attractive material for veneers. It is chip- and stain-resistant and has the shine of natural enamel.

Composite Veneers

Composites are a more affordable option. They stain more easily than porcelain veneers and do not last quite as long.

Instant Veneers

Instant veneers are a fast, affordable option. They are not customized, but your dentist creates the best match for your teeth.

Keeping Your Veneers Looking Their Best

To protect your investment in dental veneers:

  1. Avoid foods that may stain them, such as red wine, coffee, tea, and berries.
  2. Do not bite hard foods like candy and nuts.
  3. Avoid chewing ice and biting your fingernails.
  4. Never try to use your teeth as a tool.

Frequently Asked Questions About Veneers

How long do veneers last?

Porcelain veneers last roughly 10 to 15 years in most cases. Composites last about three to seven years. Instant veneers may last from one to five years.

Are veneers permanent?

Veneers are not permanent, but once the dentist prepares your enamel to receive them, you must have them replaced as they wear out.

Call Total Dental Care

If dental veneers appeal to you, please call our Germantown, MD, office at 240-813-9111. We can schedule a consultation and help you brighten your smile.